We want more people living in Scotland to enjoy the benefits of everyday walking.
One way to achieve this is to influence the development and delivery of national policy.
We are working to improve policies that support our main strategic themes:
- Walking is for everyone
- Walking is for everywhere
- Walking is for every day
We do this through policy consultations, briefings, participation in forums or working groups, cross party groups in the Parliament and by working with our partners and other stakeholders to influence change.
We are a key delivery partner for the Scottish Government’s National Walking Strategy (NWS) which is currently being refreshed. Our work is also essential in helping to deliver the the Active Scotland Outcomes Framework and Delivery Plan, Cycling Framework for Active Travel and the Long-term Vision for Active Travel in Scotland.
Other policy areas that are relevant to our work include the National Transport Strategy, National Planning Framework, and 20% Reduction in Car Kilometres by 2030.
To help us achieve a healthier Scotland where more people walk every day, it’s vital for us to advocate for change at a national level but we also influence policy at a regional and local level. Good examples of opportunities to promote walking are in any health, transport, planning and environmental policies.
We seek opportunities where we can use our expertise and evidence to positively influence policy. From improving walking environments in our towns and cities, to introducing walking interventions that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we aim to influence important pieces of proposed legislation that really make a difference to the health of our nation.
Our policy work will ensure there is an increasing focus on physical activity within policy and practice at national and local levels.
If you would like more information, contact: policy@pathsforall.org.uk